PH: 530 . 662 . 6795






Routine water testing of source water wells and distribution systems



Routine water testing detects the presence of harmful and aesthetically adverse contaminants in water intended for drinking, agricultural or industrial purposes. We at Eaton Pumps are certified in California to evaluate the efficacy of, and operate on, public water systems and small water treatment systems.


Eaton Pumps provides routine water testing of source water wells and distribution systems in accordance with state and county regulations for:


Agricultural suitability: in which levels of salinity, alkalinity and corrosivity are measured in groundwater to evaluate its potential effect on plant health and distribution system integrity. Suitability reports also include concentrations of Iron, Manganese, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Boron and Nitrogen both from nitrates found in source water.


Potable water distribution systems: State county regulations require that water produced from newly constructed distribution systems and source wells be free of bacteriological contaminates (E. Coli and Coliform bacteria) and not exceed specified Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) in nitrates and nitrates.


Public Water Systems: The title-22 schedule for non-transient, non-community water systems requires periodic testing for a variety of inorganic, organic compounds (volatile and synthetic) as well as mineral, radiological and bacteriological contaminants. Observing differing monitoring schedules for these is no small task. Eaton Pumps employs computerized scheduling that alerts us when testing for each contaminant is needed for each customer.


Water systems subject to the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA): Beginning January 2018, the FSMA Produce Rule is scheduled to go into effect for moderately-sized to large farms. The Produce Rule requires that water coming in direct contact with produce contain less than 1 Coliform Forming Unit per 100 mL of water. Eaton Pumps can perform the routine testing required to establish water quality baselines and perform annual surveys as required by the rule.


Eaton pumps works with several ELAP-accredited laboratories throughout Northern California that have demonstrated their ability to properly analyze water samples and generate interpretable reports.


Please call Eaton Pumps with your water testing needs; we'll work with you to ensure compliance!


*State Water Resources Control Board Grade D2 (no. 47258) and Grade T1 (no. 40152)




Water Quality Evaluation Request

Let us know your questions, suggestions and concerns by filling out the contact form below.

* indicates required field.


Eaton Drilling Co LLC in Woodland, Contractor license (133783), A General Contractor, C-57 Well Drilling and C-61 Specialty services in California, also other trades Nevada and Oregon. Our equipment conforms to current air quality standards.


Address: 20 West Kentucky Ave, Woodland Ca 95695/ PH: 530.662.6795